IV Therapy

Intravenous Vitamin C

The use of vitamin C, intravenously (IVC) is used to treat a number of self limiting and chronic illnesses.  It works directly as an antiviral, as well as more deeply on your immune system, creating an environment where your body’s vitality is boosted so that you are able to have a robust immunological response to infections (viral, bacterial or fungal). IVC is tissue regenerative, it decreases pain from connective tissue injuries and speeds recovery time.

Vitamin C is a very effective adjunctive treatment for cancer.  It helps with pain and tolerability of chemotherapy.  It is also complimentary to oncologic care, and many treating oncologists feel like it is may be used right also side chemotherapy.   To download an informative description of “IV Vitamin C for Cancer Care, please click HERE.

Windhorse Clinic offers high-dose IV vitamin C from 10 grams to 100 grams depending on patients’ needs and condition.

See the decades of studies, and internationally published articles on the use of IVC for cancer and infection.  The National Institutes of Health has published evidence confirming Vitamin C’s anti-cancer properties.  The Riordian Clinic has dozens of easily assessable articles for learning more about this treatment.  Here is a quick list of interesting articles.

Intravenous Mistletoe for Cancer

Mistletoe (latin, Viscum Album) is the most studied plant used for alternative and complementary cancer therapies.  It’s been used in Germany for over 100 years. 85% of cancer patients in Germany are on mistletoe therapy, and many other European countries regularly employ this medicine.

Mistletoe grows on various tree types, it has up to 12 different host trees.  The most common mistletoe host trees are the apple tree, pine tree and fir tree.

Johns Hopkins is wrapping up a clinical trial on mistletoe therapy, and MD Anderson will soon be starting a clinical trial using mistletoe for osteosarcoma.

Dr. Maiella is the only physician in Vermont who has had advanced training and certification (Physicians’ Association of Anthroposophic Medicine) in the use of mistletoe, intravenously.

Here are some heavily researched, peer reviewed facts about mistletoe.

  • There are NO contraindications for using mistletoe with any conventional cancer treatment.
  • There are no known drug interactions.
  • Various components of mistletoe fight cancer by directly killing cancer cells, as well as stimulating the immune system to fight the cancer.
  • Mistletoe diminishes many of the side effects related to chemo and radiation. This includes a reduction in fatigue and nausea. It also improves appetite, mood, and sleep.
  • Mistletoe contains endorphins that act as natural pain killers and can reduce or eliminate the need for pain medications.
  • Some components of mistletoe repair DNA in damaged cells and protect DNA of healthy cells.
  • Different types of cancers respond to the different host trees that mistletoe grows on,  as the host tree determines the lectin content.
  • Mistletoe is complementary to conventional therapies and can also be used as a monotherapy if someone refuses, or is not a candidate for, conventional cancer treatments.
  • It can be used after cancer treatment to help prevent recurrence.
  • Mistletoe is typically used for 5 years or longer (usually subcutaneously), at varying doses/schedules.
  • Mistletoe for cancer therapy is administered by subcutaneous injection, IV, and is sometimes injected directly into tumors. In the US, it’s only FDA-approved for oral intake (which isn’t useful for cancer treatment), so injections and IV are considered ‘off-label’ uses and are perfectly legal.


Here’s a very detailed description of the use of intravenous mistletoe.  60 pages

https://windhorsenaturopathic.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Mistletoe-Therapy for Cancer Patients-by-Maurice-Orange.pdf

Mistletoe Compendium:


Intravenous use of Mistletoe for cancer (one research paper)


Integrative and Adjunctive use of Mistletoe


Additional references and abstracts






Mistletoe and the Emerging Future of Integrative Oncology by Steven Johnson, DO and Nasha Winters, ND (copyright 2021)

Phospholipid Infusions (Patricia Kane Infusions)

The daily exposer to chemicals in our food/water, exogenous hormones in our meat, xenobiotics in plastic materials, prescription drugs (and the list goes on and on) can be harmful to our bodies, (esp the fatty areas of our bodies, including our beloved brain and cellular membranes). When these toxins get stuck in cellular membranes (a fatty lipid bilayer composed of mostly phospholipids and cholesterol, which protects the cell from harmful toxins in its surroundings) they cause dysfunction in the brain and impair healthy cell-cell communication.

These infusions provide the body with an phosphotidycholine, (helps to rebuild the architecture of the nervous system), folinic acid (to repair damaged DNA), and glutathione (for nervous system and liver to detoxification, as well as providing one of the most potent antioxidants in our body).

Check out this study: An abnormally low levels of phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine can influence energy metabolism and have been linked to disease progression. PMID: 28411170  DOI: 10.1016/j.bbamem.2017.04.006.

We use Phospholipid infusions to treat the following conditions:

  • Alzheimer’s
  • Autism
  • Pervasive Developmental Delay
  • Seizure Disorders
  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  •  Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy
  •  Inborn Errors in Metabolism/genetic disorders
  •  Epigenetic insult
  •  Neurotoxicity (Toxic & Viral Encephalopathy, Neurotoxic Fungal exposure)
  •  Post Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis and ALS
  • Neuroinflammatory
  • Autoimmune disorders
  • Chronic infections including Neurolyme
  • psychiatric disorders and Parkinson’s Disease.

Myer’s Cocktail Infusions

The following is a review of conditions successfully treated with the Myers’. Alternative Medicine Review ◆ Volume 7, Number 5 ◆ 2002.

  • Asthma
  • Migraine
  • Fatigue
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Depression Cardiovascular disease
  • Upper and Lower respiratory tract infections including COVID-19
  • Narcotic Withdrawal
  • Seasonal allergic Rhinitis
  • Athletic Performance
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • BEFORE and AFTER CHEMOTHERAPY: Providing Energy and Improve weakness 

Hydrogen Peroxide (H202)

The main effect of hydrogen peroxide infusions is that you regain your health through the increased ability of your blood to carry a high concentration of oxygen. In this sense, IV hydrogen peroxide therapy is an oxygen therapy/oxidative medicine. It delivers oxygen directly to the tissues of the body in the form of singlet oxygen (lone oxygen atoms) in a highly reactive state. The singlet oxygen is the active agent in hydrogen peroxide therapy.

Why is oxygen so essential? Seems like a silly question, but polluted air, toxic chemicals and heavy metals in the environment, as well as devitalized food and lack of proper breathing techniques are among the main reasons for cumulative oxygen deficiency in humans.

H202 is naturally generated by your own white blood cells, and when your body has an infection, H202 is your first line of defense. If your H202 can’t handle the infection, then the step is antibody production.

We use IV H202 when the body is challenged, or overburdened by infections, free radical damage and low oxygen states.

The effect of that powerful singlet oxygen in the human body is twofold.

1. It kills, or severely inhibits the growth of, anaerobic organisms. This action is immediate, on contact. All viruses are anaerobic, including the cancer viruses, which is why oxidative therapies (H202 and ozone) are used extensively in Germany, Russia, France, Cuba, Mexico and increasingly in North America, as a first line treatment for cancer (in conjunction with other conventional and integrative cancer treatments). In 1966, Nobel Prize winner Dr. Otto Warburg confirmed that the key pre-condition for the development of cancer is a near lack of oxygen on the cellular level.

The other good news is that the health promoting aerobic bacteria found in our GI tract, lives happily in the presence of H202. Breast milk, especially colostrum, naturally contains lots of H202.

H202 is required for the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. It is used by the endocrine system to produce estrogen, progesterone and thyroxin (thyroid hormone) and assists in blood sugar regulation and energy utilization in the cells. H202 improves glucose utilization in diabetics, by helping to convert glucose to glycogen. Uncontrolled diabetes can be put in check with H202 infusions.

H202 doubles the rate of enzymatic activities in the mitochondria, thus enabling your body to detox itself while still having plenty of energy. This increase in metabolism (increasing thermogenesis in your cells) probably accounts for some of the antibacterial, anti fungal, and anti viral effects of hydrogen peroxide. In terms of its detoxification properties, that powerful singlet oxygen, transforms biological waste products and environmental toxins into inert substances via oxidation. This makes the detoxification burden easier for your kidneys and liver.

By increasing oxygenation, H202 dilates vessels, including the pulmonary vessels and the aorta. It can help to dissolve cholesterol and calcium deposits associated with atherosclerosis. Therefore, it is a good treatment for vascular disorders. The treatment can result in lessening or disappearance of angina, leg pain, and transient ischemic attacks to the brain, which causes dizziness. It also can help reverse some of the damage left over by a stroke, if treatment is instituted early enough.


  • B12 (intravenous and intramuscular)
  • Glutathione
  • Magnesium (IV or IM)
  • Poly-MVA: Poly MVA is a blend of the mineral palladium bonded to Alpha Lipoic Acid; along with Vitamins: B1, B2, and B12, Minerals molybdenum, rhodium, ruthenium, and Amino Acids formyl-methionine. These are key nutrients in supporting cellular metabolism. People have used Poly MVA BEFORE and AFTER SPORTING EVENTS, and can also be used for people who have conditions who require high doses of nutrients to support their cells.

Intravenous NAD+

  • Slows cognitive decline
  • Promotes healthy brain function
  • Fights chronic fatigue
  • Increases energy
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Regenerates cells
  • Slows aging
  • Reduces internal inflammation

Studies of NAD+ pharmacology and related interventions.

  • Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH)–A new therapeutic approach to Parkinson’s disease. Comparison of oral and parenteral application, Birkmayer et al., 1993 [23]. Intravenous infusion and oral NADH, 25–50 mg/day. 19.3% of the patients showed a very good (30–50%) improvement of disability; 58.8% a moderate (10–30%) improvement; 21.8% did not respond to NADH.
  • Coenzyme nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: A new therapeutic approach for improving dementia of the Alzheimer type, Birkmayer, 1996 [25]. Oral 10 mg/day NADH for 8–12 weeks. Improvement in mini-mental state examination and global deterioration scale. This open-label trial represents a pilot study from which no definitive conclusion can be drawn.
  • Therapeutic effects of oral NADH on the symptoms of patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, Forsyth et al, 1999 [27]. Oral 10 mg NADH daily. A significant 31% favorable response to NADH versus 8% to placebo
  • Oral 500 mg nicotinamide daily for 12 weeks increasing by 250 mg every 2 weeks. NAD: ~42% increase in blood levels. Increased serum HDL cholesterol, decreased LDL cholesterol and phosphate.
  • The effect of antioxidant supplementation on fatigue during exercise: Potential role for NAD + (H), Mach et al., 2010 [35]
  • Evidence for a direct effect of the NAD+ precursor Acipimox on muscle mitochondrial function in humans, van de Weijer et al., 2014 [37]
  • Prevention of non-melanoma skin cancers with nicotinamide in transplant recipients: a case-control study, Drago et al., 2017 [40]. Oral 500 mg nicotinamide daily. Actinic keratoses (AKs) significantly decreased in size in 18/19 patients (88%). In controls, 91% showed an increase in size or number of AKs.